Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh SSR Concerning the The Supreme Soviet of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic decrees: 1) That Law of the Kazakh SSR Concerning the Protection of Consumer Rights shall be implemented from the 1st of January 1992. 2) That it shall be established that prior to the bringing of the legislation of the Kazakh SSR into conformity with this Law, current acts of the legislation of the Kazakh SSR shall apply unless they contradict the Law of the Kazakh SSR Concerning the Protection of Consumer Rights. 3) The Cabinet of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR together with interested bodies of the Kazakh SSR before bringing the decisions of the Government of the Kazakh SSR into conformity with Law of the Kazakh SSR Concerning the Protection of Consumer Rights. Документ показан в сокращенном демонстрационном режиме
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