Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan Публикация официального сайта ЕАПО Title I. General Provisions Title II. Conditions of Patentability of Industrial Property Subject Matter Title III. Authors and Patent Owners Title IV. The Exclusive Right to Use Industrial Property Subject Matter Title V. Procedure of Obtaining Titles of Protection Title VI. Revocation and Restoration of Lapsed Titles of Protection Title VII. Defence of Rights of Authors, Applicants and Patent Owners Title VIII. Final Provisions Article 1. Basic Definitions and Terms - "Gazette" means an official periodical on industrial property protection matters published by Kazpatent; - "patented industrial property subject matter" means industrial property subject matter for which a title of protection has been granted; - "the exclusive right" means an economic right of the patent owner to use the industrial property subject matter in any way at his discretion; - "license contract" means a contract by virtue of which the patent owner (the licensor) grants, for a specified period of time, the right to use the industrial property subject matter in a specified way to another person (the licensee); - "intellectual property subject matter" means the results of intellectual creative activity and the means of identification of goods and services offered by participants in economic turnover; - "industrial property subject matter" means inventions, utility models and industrial designs; - "titles of protection" means provisional patents, invention patents, industrial design patents and utility model patents granted in conformity with this Law; - "the Paris Convention" means the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of March 20, 1883, as amended and supplemented; - "patent agent" means a national who, under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is authorized to represent natural persons or legal entities before Kazpatent; - "patent owner" means a person holding a title of protection; - "invention created in the line of duty" means an invention that has been created by the employee while carrying out his duties or specific duties entrusted to him by his employer; - "conditions of patentability" means requirements for the grant of legal protection for industrial property subject matter laid down in this Law. Article 2. Relations Governed by this Law 1) This Law shall govern economic and related moral relations arising out of the creation, legal protection and the use of industrial property subject matter. Документ показан в сокращенном демонстрационном режиме
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